My sandwich was great. The lobster was fresh and sweet, and the varying textures of the meat was delightful. Tail meat is chewy and substantial; claw meat is tender and delicate. The mixture was simple -- just enough mayonnaise to hold it together and lots of black pepper. The generously buttered toasty bread complemented the the filling perfectly. I only wished there was a wedge of lemon -- lemon and lobster are friends.
After lunch, I bought some live lobsters from them to take home for dinner with my friends. The woman who helped me was wonderful. She took her time to engage me in conversation about the best size lobsters to get and the best way to cook them.
Her traditional method was to boil some water, put the lobsters in tail-first, and let the water come to a second boil before putting the timer. She let me in on a secret though -- the real pros cook their lobsters in the microwave! You put two in a heavy-ish plastic produce bag facing in opposite directions. You don't need to add water -- the lobster will cook in its own reserves.
I'm sorry for not being more specific about cooking times. The notes I feverishly took as she dictated them to me have since been lost.
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